Bentley Potter School of Dance
Registration must be done online at www.bentleypotter.com. A $300 non-refundable registration fee must be paid once this form has been completed in order to secure your child’s spot This is a onetime fee per child.
Payment can be made to the following account:
Republic Bank, Ellerslie court Maraval: Bentley Potter School of Dance
Account number: 340801054901 (Checking)
Please email a copy of the receipt or a screenshot to bentleypotterschool@gmail.com in order for us to verify your payment.
All students must be in their specified uniforms with their hair neatly pulled back in a bun. For short hair, it must be held back with a simple bandeau or headband the colour of their leotard. Grooming is an integral part of our school as it helps instil a sense of pride and discipline in the student. The uniforms are also important as it helps the teacher to correctly observe the posture and placement of the student.
Promptness and Attendance
Please arrive on time for your class to limit mingling prior to class starting. Students who are over 15 minutes late will not be permitted, except in extenuating circumstances, as this causes a distraction for both students and teachers. Students in older classes are also at risk of injury if they miss the warm-up section of the class.
Regular attendance is extremely important. If students do not attend on a regular basis this hinders their development as well as that of the entire class. Exam students’ attendance will be monitored as they prepare for their exams and assessments and students who fail to attend classes and additional coaching classes may be withdrawn from taking these.
Students are expected to behave in an orderly way and be respectful to teachers, other students, parents and all staff of Bentley Potter School of Dance. Safety
All students should remain inside the reception area until they are collected by a parent or guardian. Students are not to wander around the parking lot or the premises unattended. We ask that you collect your daughter on time to ensure limited mingling. Please refer to our COVID – 19 guidelines below.
Food and Drink
All food and drink must remain outside the dance studio. Grade 3 and up can walk with water ONLY into their class.
Parking for parents is at the BACK CAR PARK off of Foncette Road. Parking in the front car park is for drop off purposes ONLY.
Note to Parents
Bentley Potter School of Dance believes in giving all students equal opportunity and the chance to work towards a dream. We appreciate that all parents want to see their children excel and be the best, we therefore ask that you be mindful of the impact any pressure or stress may put on your child. We ask our parents to note the following to ensure that both student and parent can enjoy their time here with us:
Don’t force your child to dance. Encouragement is important but make sure that it is what they want to do and not what you want them to do.
Encourage your child to watch live performances as often as they can. This includes bringing them to view the members of the school company, The Cascade Festival Ballet, performances. This gives them an opportunity to see what they can achieve with hard work and for you the parent to see where they can reach.
Praise your child for their hard work, even if they don’t get the result or the part they may want.
Understand that our teachers are professionals in this field and their recommendation is what is in the best interest of the child.
All correspondence will be sent via email to parents. Please ensure that our administration has your email address on file. We also have Class Representatives for each class who will be in contact with you to create message groups to ensure you are abreast of all things happening at the school. You can also like our Facebook Page